‘I had the opportunity to work with Tikvah in May 2021 when I was working for UN-Habitat as legal specialist. I was designing a capacity development programme on policy and legal drafting for the Ministry of Urban Planning and Housing of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tikvah provided pro bono advice on how to develop a blended programme for the Ministry blending in-country sessions with online and off-line activities. It was extremely useful and easy to work with her. Tikvah helped me appreciate the opportunities blended trainings can offer to overcome the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic and improve the impact of capacity building activities. She quickly understood the programme needs and challenges and proposed workable solutions.’

Projectlead Gianluca Crispi, Lead Legal Specialist, UN-Habitat Nairobi, Kenya.

Curios? Feel free to contact our senior advisor and teacher trainer directly:
Photo: Medellin, Breimer 2020

You may be in the initial stages of envisioning blended capacity development training for a project proposal or your institute, or longing to re-envision an existing ‘traditional’ face to face approach. You may be the training coordinator or a project lead. You may be designing material from scratch, or working with shelf material, attempting to adjust it for blended use. Your training team may be new, or you may work with experienced trainers who have never worked in a blended/remote way.

Whatever your starting point, our Studio comes alongside you, and partners with you to ensure the following qualities and impact for your curriculum design:

1. An effective learning curve for your participants/professionals - see evidence-based
2. A modular approach to your design
3. An optimal, coherent triangle of quality, time and cost investment which informs the entire design see Financial health and resilience
4. A blended and/or bichronous (fully remote) design, and a sound logic behind the duration of the in person modules and the study load of the remote modules
5. A value-based approach to the design which considers climate-impact and the balance of in person/remote time according to the needs of your specific situation - see designed to be green. Human resilience during development and delivery for you as coordinator, and your training team
7. Feedback loops designed within the curriculum, to enable prompt finetuning and improvements during course delivery.
8. A training of trainers (TOT) component for the training coordinator.

What makes our Studio unique is that we bridge silos between your (technical) content and the body of knowledge and practice of effective curriculum design. We nevertheless never tell you what to train on. It is just that... you don't start from scratch with us. We get the field where you are coming from, and keep an active interest in the field of architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water/ climate. We dare ask you really good questions. We take your pedagogical ideas, and amplify and deepen them for your (re)design.

Find our technical content and regional focus here.


Our Studio gives you the desired result and impact, with a package price for your bespoke assignment.

Based on the information you provide we scope the form of the work and result needed (and your deadlines). We offer you a quotation for the entire package. For more comprehensive assignments, depending on what you need, find out more under financial health and resilience).

For simpler assignments which require a quick output
we follow this simple initial setup (250 euro):
1.    60 min onboarding (listening to your problem, to understand where you are stuck, what you’re trying to do). In person or via video call.
2. You complete and submit a one-page document with a more specific explanation of your issue
3. 60 minute advice virtual session giving you several alternatives
4. You choose one alternative
5. We formulate the quotation for the programme of work leading to a curriculum design.

The initial session results in a briefing and accompanying tailor-made quotation for the entire bespoke assignment required to achieve your desired outcome. The cost of this initial quotation will be discounted from the total cost of the assignment.

If you are part of a larger acquisition/consortium, we can collaborate to contribute to a proposal.

Key projects

We are currently in a re-design studio with a client until early spring 2024.

The problem of this client? Overload in the curriculum and schedule, it’s simply too much! Packed. Our approach is a bespoke advice using our unique finite methodology and philosophy for effective and resilient curriculum design. This will lead to teaching with clarity. In other words: prioritize and do less, so that students understand more. The art and technique is to know what exactly this means for this specific unique course/training, and as an interim solution (between face to face and going blended) - and be dedicated to conclusions right into the schedule.

Curious about our design studio? Have a look at the modules below or go directly to our re-design studio here.

“Along the way, Tikvah advised and equipped me how to simplify the course, by doing less actually, so that participants learn more – and it actually set free significant new budget.”

Charmae Pyl Wissink-Nercua (she/her)
Specialist in Urban Land, Housing Development and Capacity Building
Course Manager, Sustainable Urban Development (SUD)
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam

‘We approached you (StudioBlended) especially because next to that being a chance to bring some innovative approach to our proposal, I noticed that you have a background aligned with what is needed by the project: the project is focused on three main capacity building component to be implemented: on the job, through an on line/remote assistance, and through a number of “classic” modular courses to be implemented in person.
It is in particular for the secondo component that I was thinking to involve your studio and see how we can offer and design something different to be just available to answer questions on a social network.’

Head of Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering based at a consultancy firm, A.R.S. Progetti S.P.A., Planning and Engineering Department, for a consortium proposal for the a large worldwide donor, concerning capacity development of technical staff in municipalities in Mozambique. Rome, Italy.

More advice we do

Have a look at our advisory services to coordinators of academic courses for more inspiration on what is possible.

Curios? Feel free to contact our senior advisor and teacher trainer directly:

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / land / water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

StudioBlended Foundation 2024

Prefer to have direct contact?
Feel free:
Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc)
Independent senior advisor, teacher trainer, lead
+31 6 42 47 29 69

Non Profit Foundation

Registration Chamber of Commerce
KvK-number 86242598 (Dutch)

VAT identification number
NL 86 39 07 29 5 B01


NL40 INGB 0709 6156 04
StudioBlended Foundation


Our work

About us

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

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