We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water/ climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

Prefer direct contact? Feel free:
tikvah@studioblended.com +31 6 42 47 29 69


We offer bespoke advice to individual course, training or degree coordinators. This may be in the academic world, or involve capacity development of professionals. We supervise and mentor master students and professionals.


We offer open access teacher training geared towards coordinators of courses, training sessions or degrees via our Audio Podcast ‘How to design a resilient curriculum’.


Discover our unique philosophy and methodology in our Design angles. They are reflected in our Audio Podcast, publications and events.


On Friday August 30, Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc) had the great honor to join the academic teaching team of MSc Metropolitan Analysis Design and Engineering (MADE) at the Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan Studies (AMS) to kick-off the new academic year, and deliver a keynote coupled by a group excercise around strategizing and envisioning 'big ideas' in the Master's curriculum - in order to be equipped to simplify and innovate. The result: 

The teaching team is equipped with knowledge and understanding of what makes a resilient (trans/interdisciplinary) curriculum that stands the test of time. The team becomes aligned around a shared understanding of the big ideas of the AMS/MADE educational program - and how these evolve over time. The teaching team can take this design forward into futher time-resilient and innovative educational design and development.

The keynote is reflecting StudioBlended 's truly most original and technical work and we're happy to now share it with you too, it just released on all your favorite streaming channels.

Curious? Listen to the keynote (Apple Spotify) or find it on our Audio Podcast page, including a full transcript and many, many resources for further exploration. 

Find the Metropolitan Analysis Design and Engineering (MADE) program here

“It was inspiring and fruitful [for me as participant]. I realised a course has baseline building blocks versus the trends and hypes that come and go. I realised where to invest in most. I am taking this further for my own field for sure.

dr. Roberto Rocco
Senior Associate Professor of Spatial Planning and Strategy at
TU/Delft Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, Governance specialist focusing on Spatial Justice and Governance for Just Transitions.

Our Studio started a collaboration with the Chilean Architect Cazú Zegers who has shared a few hand drawn sketches from her renowned projects to give life to the covers of our Audio Podcast ‘How to design an effective and resilient curriculum’. The collaboration is infused with our shared passion for good educational design, and for our teachers - and ultimately, the students. Cazú has a beautiful phrase when she finishes her classes or speeches to young students:

“It is essential that the vocation of the architect can be accompanied by what he or she is passionate about, be it nature, sports, culture, the community, etc. At Cazú Zegers Arquitectura we believe that if you combine your vocation and passion you will be able to find your destination. ⁠This reflection arises from the experience of Cazú Zegers where her architecture has been the product of the following equation:⁠ Vocation + Passion = Destination .”

You will find her hand drawn sketches appearing incrementally as new episodes release. A common theme is the landscape. The ‘gesture figure form’ methodology is very much related to the territory and sometimes comes from the territory. “The territory is to America, as the monuments are to Europe,” says Cazú. To learn about Cazu Zegers’ work please visit: www.cazuzegers.com. Find her thesis on the territory and Instagram. Or listen to a Podcast interview with her on Floornature.

Feel free to give us a direct call or Email us, for any question or problem you may have. tikvah@studioblended.com

What clients say about us ︎

StudioBlended Foundation 2024

Prefer to have direct contact?
Feel free:
Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc)
Independent senior advisor, teacher trainer, lead
+31 6 42 47 29 69

Non Profit Foundation

Registration Chamber of Commerce
KvK-number 86242598 (Dutch)

VAT identification number
NL 86 39 07 29 5 B01


NL40 INGB 0709 6156 04
StudioBlended Foundation


Our work

About us

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

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