Did you know our Studio also advises and mentors European bachelor and masters students with their thesis / exit goal? Both at university and at universities of applied science. This rewarding part of our work enables us to translate these first hand experiences with students back into our advice to coordinators of courses and degrees at university. 

It is important to us as a Studio who advises and trains course/training coordinators, to work with those who receive their eventual teaching, the learners themselves.

We supervise European bachelor and masters students with their theses, so that we stay in tune with the existing exit goals of academic degrees.

The trajectory with a student is always a tailor-made, bespoke learning journey.

Working with students directly is a rich source of inspiration when it comes to meaningfully addressing issues students struggle with that are not primarily academic. These include fear of failure, insecurities, high sensitivity or neurodiversity, chaotic workstyles, lack of certain skills or capabilities, and perfectionism.

The challenge may equally simply be an absent supervisor or personal circumstances, such as working and studying part-time, or moving back to their country of origin and being far from their physical university.

Each new generation of students brings richness to our advisory work through our dialogues and interactions about their research findings and written output, and their feedback on our approaches.

We appreciate the opportunity to impact a new generation of future leaders in this intensive and personal period of their studies.

A thesis trajectory can change young people’s lives, and give them clarity of purpose about who they are and what they love to do.

We not only come alongside the content, we also mentor the students on their journey to completing their thesis.

Supervising a student allows us to actively design, develop, test, implement and evaluate the educational methods our Studio works with.

An example is our strong focus on evidence-based approaches to learning, drawn from neuroscience.

What we learn from supervising a spectrum of bachelor and masters students with their thesis, ranging from those struggling to pass to those struggling with excellence, forms an organic loop back into our advice work, clear in the (re)design studio. This work also informs our Audio Podcast ‘How to design a resilient curriculum’, which is listened to by both course coordinators and our students and PhD candidates.

Find a profile of Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc).

Key projects

We currently work with the following bureaus:
1. Bijleshuis.Be (Gent, Belgium)
2. Bureau scriptiehulp (Hilversum, The Netherlands)
3. Scriptum (Oost-Souburg, The Netherlands)
If you are a student, Bachelor or Masters, and currently feel you need someone to come alongside you, and invigorate you, advise, coach and mentor you - you can contact one of the above bureaus and ask for Tikvah Breimer

“Thank you - truly! I don’t regret a single minute of your supervision! I would have never made it for my master degree otherwise!”
Master student European and International Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).

“I was supposed to already submit my final bachelor thesis last year in June, but I just struggled so much and missed every single deadline. I have 100.000 versions of everything that I write on my laptop and in notes, and I simply didn’t know how to put it together, how to structure it what I have in my head. You (Tikvah) helped me create a rhythmn of working on every aspect consistently and in a smart way, and now I finally have my end product which I am submitting end August this year. It’s my very final moment to avoid paying even more fees to university and I feel so reliefed and happy we made it.” Bachelor student Middle East Studies, Arab culture and literature, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

“The thesis supervision by Tikvah was of immense added value to me. She structured my work, and constantly gave me a little push in the back to start believing in myself and use my capabilities. Tikvah shared valuable tips and tricks and gave specific concrete guidance for every next meeting. She constantly reminded me that I am competent, and I have it in me. On top of that she offered mental support when I was in a difficult moment. Her flexibility is something I truly appreciated, especially when my deadline came close. In that time she was practically available at any moment. Thanks to Tikvah’s supervision and coaching I found the calm and self confidence during the entire thesis process, which resulted in successfully finalising my thesis and achieving my Master degree in Criminology.”
Master student Criminology. UGent University (Belgium)

I was recovering from a brain tumor, and - already struggling for a year - realised I was unable to structure my work and had no idea how I could ever graduate continuing in this way alone, and so I reached out for help. Tikvah strenghtened me to pick the thesis back up, in a moment that I was really down and out about it. We had to start with writing just a few lines a day, that was my tempo. I have come to trust Tikvah completely, and the approach she takes really resonates with me. I was so relieved to visualise all the knowledge in my head, it really calmed me. I am learning so many new skills in writing and communicating for the reader, to stop being so overly academic. The way Tikvah trained me with writing techniques is the invention of the century to me - it offers me structure, without being a straightjacket. I write with souplesse now and start seeing I’m actually not that bad a writer! I use it now everywhere, for my emails, for job applications - and I found a job! I truly enjoyed listening to the additional podcasts you sent. One, on the experience of a PhD candidate in procrastrination and writing - I could really identify with that. And the other, on slow productivity. I also really like the image of the garden - I love going into the garden, and now I am learning how to likewise do a little bit, every day, consistently. Now, I graduated too and can finally start a new page in my life.”
Master thesis student memory studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands

“Initially I was really suffering from procrastination. Tikvah therefore gave me weekly deadlines, with smaller assignments, so that I could work faster and on a qualitative result. Apart from that, she really brought me to a next level when it comes to content, by offering the right structure where necessary, and giving very specific feedback on my work. All in all a very good experience!”
Master student Communication. UGent University (Belgium)

“Collaborating with Tikvah as my thesis advisor and coach, was an exceptional experience. Her guidance and support were essential for shaping my entire thesis. She demonstrated a remarkable ability to be alert to my needs and feedback, which made the collaboration not only productive but also a true pleasure. Tikvah truly is an exceptional mentor and guide.”
Master student European and International Governance, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). 

“Tikvah helped me tremendously with writing up my thesis. I lacked planning, and structure and without her, I am sure I would have still not finished it. The supervision started with a brief training in writing skills, and was followed up with weekly appointments to hand in plannings, chapters and processed feedback. This systematic approach worked excellent for me, and Tikvah’s comments on the content and form helped me to write up a well-written thesis. She was also flexible in the planning, gave feedback swiftly, and encouraged me. I was already wrestling with my thesis for a full year, and with Tikvah’s supervision I re-wrote my thesis in just a month and a half, with an 8,5 grade as a result.”
Bachelor student Middle East Studies, Arab culture and literature, University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

More advice we do

In 2023 we are part of the mentor pool of the New European Bauhaus (NEB).

Image: NEB 2024

In the summer of 2023, Tikvah Breimer (MSc MEd MSc) was pre-selected by the European Institute of Technology and Innovation (EIT) Community, Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) as inclusive design mentor for the Booster 2.0 for start-ups and scale-ups under the New European Bauhaus (NEB).

Launched by the European Commission, the New European Bauhaus translates the European Green Deal into a tangible, positive experience in which all Europeans can participate and progress together.

Follow NEB on LinkedIn and Instagram.

PhD candidates:

“You [Tikvah] are able to learn/absorb the subject that I’m trying to produce, and you transform it to a methodological angle, and organise it is such a way that it directs me, and I can do things [in my course] in a more effective and efficient way”.

Tannya Pico, PhD candidate who participated in StudioBlended’s resilience course where she received advice on her course design. Her research is on Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and transdisciplinarity, Quito, Ecuador  Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam

“Tikvah first of all helped me to align and synthesize the content of the course with my PhD, so that I would work efficiently and feel energized again well into the coming years. [read on here under (re)design studio]

Charmae Pyl Wissink-Nercua (she/her)
Specialist in Urban Land, Housing Development and Capacity Building
Course Manager, Sustainable Urban Development (SUD
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Have a look too at our advisory work for coordinators of academic courses.

Curios? Feel free to contact our senior advisor and teacher trainer directly:

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land/ water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

StudioBlended Foundation 2024

Prefer to have direct contact?
Feel free:
Tikvah Breimer (MSc MAEd MSc)
Independent senior advisor, teacher trainer, lead
+31 6 42 47 29 69

Non Profit Foundation

Registration Chamber of Commerce
KvK-number 86242598 (Dutch)

VAT identification number
NL 86 39 07 29 5 B01


NL40 INGB 0709 6156 04
StudioBlended Foundation


Our work

About us

We are here especially for you as unique course/training coordinator, to come alongside you and partner with you, as you work on a (architecture / urban / development / policy / land / water / climate) curriculum, so that you can offer effective and resilient education in its simplest form.

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